Helping You Manage Compliance with Worldwide Privacy Laws

Navigate the complexities of data privacy compliance with Truyo from DSAR response automation to Privacy Impact Assessments.

Reform Your Data Privacy Compliance Journey with Worldwide Regulations

Simplify Your Data Privacy Compliance Journey with Worldwide Regulations


What We Deliver

See the Truyo Privacy Compliance features that will reduce manual intervention and increase visibility into your compliance efforts.

  • Configure a customized system according to applicable regional & national frameworks.
  • Develop your organizational guidelines & principles for data privacy compliance
  • Configure secure access and set user workflows.
  • Setup & automate system workflows for more efficient results. 

  • Build consumer trust with a dedicated DSAR portal.
  • Enable users to submit requests with or without login options.
  • Do not sell, Access/View, or Delete/Forget request types available.
  • Enable consumers to track the progress of requests with secure access.
  • Notify consumers about a request’s status through customized email templates.
  • White label the consumer portal to ensure consumer trust.

  • Our dashboards will deliver a holistic view of all open, complete, and past due data requests.
  • Get visibility of all pending tasks and access priority tasks. 
  • Locate specific requests using the search option.
  • Review, approve & resolve requests systematically through simplified & one-click available data.
  • Manage your vendors & assess if they are privacy-compliant with a dedicated vendor management module.
  • Notify users of announcements & important alerts.
  • Get complete digital reports on request, TAT & growth in PDF & CSV format.
  • Take control over every aspect of data privacy and streamline operations with Truyo.
Your Customized System 

Beyond Data Privacy Management 

Our comprehensive solution delivers features that enhance your data privacy management journey. Here's what we offer to make your privacy processes efficient and reliable.

AI Inventory

Manage cookie consent with various features, plugins, and metrics. Design, maintain, and process cookie policies efficiently and compliantly. Enable consumers to manage preferences in a white labeled consumer portal.

With data privacy and framework assessments, you can configure 40+ assessments to evaluate data privacy practices, vendor compliance, and more.

Scramble and de-identify your consumer PI to safeguard sensitive data and conform to regulations.  

White label your brand & sub-brands for consumer trust.

Whether you’re implementing Truyo or are a long-time client, you will receive 24*5 support for all your compliance needs.


Within one month we saved


A large retail chain $2.7m in operating costs with CPRA automation


A mid-size restaurant chain $350k in operating costs with CPRA automation


A national home goods chain $1.1m in operating costs with CPRA automation


A national health and wellness chain $2.6m in staffing costs with CPRA automation


A salon chain $180k in operating costs with CPRA automation

Request Demo


Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

Truyo currently supports regulations for the following states: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Nevada, Utah, and Virginia. Internationally, Truyo supports regulations for Australia, GDPR, MENA, PIPEDA, and Quebec. We are always adding new regulations as they arise and at no additional charge to our customers.

Modern privacy regulations are very broad, and cover many areas like breach notification, security practices and privacy by design. Truyo helps automate and streamline the area of Individual Rights. That is, the rights of a person to request to see the data a company is tracking on them, and to exercise control over that data. This is one of the main areas of exposure to a company, and serves as the primary entry point for complaints and fines if not done properly, so it is important to execute Individual Rights properly, and to the degree a company receives many Requests, to do so at scale.

Truyo’s Framework Assessment Module includes privacy impact assessments, vendor assessments, CMMC, NIST, and ISO.

Through your secure, branded Data Subject Portal, Data Subjects are guided through options to help them formulate exactly what they are trying to Request. Your users do not need to be knowledgeable about the regulations, but their Requests are properly structured so you can act on them easily and quickly without having to interact with the Data Subject.

Truyo can integrate with any system capable of supporting an API. Truyo uses over 100 pre-built Connectors to all of the most popular CRMs, ERPs, marketing tools, HR tools, etc. For systems where Truyo does not have a pre-built Connector, we use a flexible API builder that includes standard components like error checking, caching, retries, etc.

Within one month we have saved:

  • A large retail chain $2.7m in operating costs with CCPA automation
  • A mid-size restaurant chain $350k in operating costs with CCPA automation
  • A national home goods chain $1.1m in operating costs with CCPA automation
  • A national health and wellness chain $2.6m in staffing costs with CCPA automation
  • A salon chain $180k in operating costs with CCPA automation

Trusted by world leaders

Bringing You Robust Privacy Compliance Support

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